Gitterman On The Next Decade Of ESG Investing

Jeffrey Gitterman, Co-Founding Partner, Gitterman Wealth Management, met with Julie Cooling, Founder & CEO, RIA Channel at the 2019 Sustainable Investing Conference to discuss the initiative’s sustainable investing goals and trends around ESG investing. The 2019 Sustainable Investing Conference on December 10th at the United Nations Headquarters, brought together ambassadors, industry thought leaders, advisors and professionals from all over the world. Highlighting the UN’s goals of sustainability, the event covered the latest trends around Environmental, Sustainable, Governance (ESG) as well as how investment managers can partner with non-profits and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s). In 2015, The UN came together to create 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). With a target date of 2030, capital market participation is crucial to fulfill the UN’s sustainable mission. “I look at my role as trying to catalyze the capital markets,” says Gitterman. Over the next decade, ESG investing will continue to evolve. On the investment side, Gitterman predicts that factors like climate preparedness and physical risks of climate change will impact portfolios ahead of political risks. In terms of ESG awareness, there has been a surge of values-based investing. “Consumers want to see their values represented in the companies they invest in,” says Gitterman. While Gitterman Wealth puts out a tremendous amount of research geared towards advisors, Gitterman’s new medium, “The Impact Show” will speak directly to the end consumer. To learn more, head here.