Altrinsic Global Advisors’ Hock On Opportunities In International And Asian Equity Markets

John D. Hock, CFA, Founder and Chief Investment Officer at Altrinsic Global Advisors, will discuss international equities from the point of view of a bottom-up investor.  Altrinsic Global Advisors applies a fundamental research process to find intrinsic value in undervalued companies that can be held in a long-term, high-conviction portfolio. 

WEBCAST – Beyond Our Borders: Misunderstanding And Opportunity In International Markets

While global equity markets continue to reach fresh highs, this is largely due to the continued narrow leadership of a few large-cap US growth equities. In this conversation between Phil Callahan (North Square Investments) and John Hock (Altrinsic Global Advisors), we will explore the following questions:

  • How does the international opportunity stack up in the historical context, and what is different this time around?
  • Which industries and companies could be underappreciated beneficiaries of growth and innovation?
  • Is the story really “growth versus value” or something else more nuanced?
  • Will corporate reform in Japan move quickly enough to unleash value for investors?
  • Is China investable?
  • And more…

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