Sprott Makes The Case For Physical Gold

John Hathaway, CFA, Managing Partner, Sprott Inc & Senior Portfolio Manager, Sprott Asset Management USA, Douglas Groh, Managing Partner, Sprott Inc. & Senior Portfolio Manager
Sprott Asset Management USA, and Edward Coyne, Senior Managing Partner, Global Sales
Sprott Inc., discuss how physical gold may offer safety to a portfolio during uncertain times.

The market turbulence of 2022 has continued into 2023.  Investors who are searching for safer assets may wish to consider physical gold.  Fundamentals of the gold market, such as growing demand and constrained supply, may be constructive for prices this year.  

WEBCAST – Gold, A Safe Haven Without Parallel?

The current “Everything Everywhere All at Once” environment and credit crisis are unprecedented. Gold has proven to be an effective safe haven asset during this challenging period, which began with the early 2022 Russia-Ukraine invasion and was followed by rising interest rates, stubborn inflation and the 2023 banking crisis. We believe near-term support for gold will remain at ~$2,000 per ounce, while markets are poised to test new highs.

This webcast will cover our beliefs that:

  • There is likely no safer investment asset than physical gold
  • The U.S. dollar and other paper currencies are at the epicenter of sovereign credit risk
  • Gold is severely under owned in Western capital markets
  • Gold supply constraints are likely to continue as miners face challenges in replacing reserves
  • Gold miners’ balance sheets are healthy and strong, and their stocks are inexpensive

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