Polen Capital And iM Global Partner On Quality Growth Stocks In International Markets

Todd Morris, Portfolio Manager and Analyst at Polen Capital, joins Peter Sousa, CIMA®, Director of US Strategic National Accounts & Portfolio Strategies at iM Global Partner to discuss accessing quality growth opportunities in the international equity markets.

WEBCAST – Pursuing Growth Beyond the U.S.

Over the past decade, international equities have significantly lagged behind their U.S. counterparts.

However, this trend doesn’t tell the whole story. Behind this disparity lies vast and sustained growth opportunities for long-term investors in international markets. At Polen and iM Global, we firmly believe that ignoring these markets means potentially missing out on some of the most promising high-quality growth companies in the world.

We invite you to join us for an insightful webinar where we’ll discuss the compelling case for increasing international exposure while maintaining exposure to U.S. equities. We’ll further examine the dynamic landscape of international markets and showcase examples of quality growth companies from around the world.

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