Optimizing Your Risk/Return Profile with Active ETFs – American Century Investments – 7.31.24 – 1 CE Credit


Title: Optimizing Your Risk/Return Profile with Active ETFs
Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour

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ETFs have become popular investment vehicles, but not all solutions are the same.

Incorporating ETFs into models used to be limited to passive indices. Investors in market cap weighted ETFs now find themselves facing concentration risk on the equity side, and exposure to companies with larger debt obligations on the fixed side. More recently, active and systematized managers have entered the space, allowing for many potential benefits for both equity and fixed income ETFs.

Join us as we discuss:

  • Common misconceptions of passive equity ETFs, and how active ETFs can benefit portfolio construction.
  • The hidden risks in passive fixed income ETFs, and how active bond ETFs can aid risk management in a portfolio.
  • Clarifying the total cost of ETF ownership.


Rene Casis Rene Casis VP, Head of Portfolio Solutions American Century Investments

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Jeremy Deering, CFA Jeremy Deering, CFA Director, Portfolio Construction Analysis American Century Investments

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Brent Evans, CFA Brent Evans, CFA Director, Portfolio Construction Analysis American Century Investments

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