Nuveen’s Stokes On Attracting A New Generation Of Clients

Christine Stokes, Head of Client and Retirement Education at Nuveen, explains how advisors can interact with the next generation of investors who are set to inherit trillions in wealth.

Advisors who don’t engage younger generations may be at risk of losing assets as their clients pass on their wealth.  Nuveen offers tips on how to engage with this new generation and understand their advisory needs as they receive these bequests.     

WEBCAST – Generation n: Winning the Client Acquisition Opportunity

Once considered a threat to financial professionals, wealth transfer presents an enormous opportunity to attract a new generation of clients. Based on Nuveen’s 2022 research, this program is designed to equip advisors to seize on this opportunity. We offer six small but intentional actions that can help financial professionals engage the next generation while continuing to nurture existing relationships.

Key takeaways:

  • Understand and meet the needs of wealth inheritors
  • Create a sustainable prospect pipeline
  • Build the right team to serve a multigenerational client base

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