Jeff Dekko, CEO, Wealth Enhancement Group, speaks with Julie Cooling, Founder & CEO, RIA Channel, to discuss his multifaceted approach to building sustainable growth.
Wealth Enhancement Group was ranked #1 on RIA Channel’s Top 50 Wealth Managers By Growth In Assets List. Between the 2020 and 2021, Wealth Enhancement Group grew its assets by over $28 billion, bringing its total AUM to roughly $52.6 billion. Although WEG’s recent hockey stick growth has been largely driven by M&A activity, Dekko attributes the firm’s incredible scale and success to it’s long-term emphasis on building a strong community-focused, client-first culture.
Ultimately, generating a loyal client base is integral to sustainable growth, explains Dekko. Over the years, WEG has dedicated considerable resources to reaching new prospective clients nationwide, as well as nurturing a communicative relationship with those clients.
The firm’s weekly radio show, Your Money Radio Show, not only addresses timely wealth topics but offers a platform for current and prospective client to call in and engage with the shows hosts. “Host events that create followship and interest in who you are, then take simple ways to nurture that interest into engagement, and eventually that engagement comes to where a prospect raises their hand and says ‘hey I’m ready to become a client,’” advises Dekko.
On the M&A side, Dekko emphasizes the importance of making sure the sellers understand the kind of transaction they’re undertaking. “A transaction is only great if all stakeholders are happy a year or two later,” says Dekko. In looking to acquire firms, Wealth Enhancement Group looks for firms that are planning centric and diversification focused.
Founded in 1997, Wealth Enhancement Group is an independent firm that offers wealth management advice. The firm aims to simplify wealth management for clients while advocating for them and providing them with the best wealth management solutions.