Investing in Asia’s Fastest Growing Region, beyond China and India – Dawn Global – 10.4.21


Title: Investing in Asia’s Fastest Growing Region, beyond China and India
Date: Monday, October 4, 2021
Time: 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour

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Emerging Markets (EM) started the year well but have recently been challenged by the events in China, amidst otherwise resilient growth and accelerated digital adoption in Emerging Asia. As investors seek to diversify away from China and broken EM indices ~85% concentrated on only 5 countries, there remain limited ways to access the next generation of EM, particularly the rise of over one billion middle-class consumers in Emerging Asia this decade, which JP Morgan has coined “Asia’s Decade.”

The Asian Growth Cubs ETF, the first active thematic equities ETF in the world focused on emerging markets and the only diversified ETF focused on Southeast Asia, is concentrated on 5 large, liquid, fast-growing, digitally enabled economies in Southeast Asia, forecast by the IMF to be the fastest growing region globally for the next 5 years. The 5 specific Cubs countries, Bangladesh Indonesia Pakistan Philippines Vietnam, span over 860m people with over 350m smartphones and a GDP size similarly sized to India, yet have negligible inclusion in any of the EM indices or EM ETF coverage.

Please join Maurits Pot to discuss:

  • The case for the Asian Growth Cubs, and why Cubs is a critical yet untapped EM diversification beyond China, with a portfolio geared to the countries (Cubs) and industries of tomorrow (technology, healthcare, digital banking, consumer goods)
  • Why EM indices are broken, including ex-China indices which still hold more China exposure than Cubs exposure
  • How Southeast Asia is different to the precedent set by China and India, with Southeast Asian companies preferring local over global listings (only 3 ADRs in all of Southeast Asia)
  • How the Asian Growth Cubs are at the heart of 1 billion new Asian consumers joining the middle class by 2030
  • The role of accelerating digital adoption in driving growth in Southeast Asia; Facebook forecasts that 80% of Southeast Asia consumers will be digital by the end of 2021
  • The active thematic investment process behind CUBS and how CUBS fits into a broader EM allocation


Maurits Pot Maurits Pot Founder and CIO Dawn Global

Maurits Pot founded Dawn Global in 2021, and previously was a public and private equity investment partner at Kingsway Capital, a leading frontier emerging markets investment fund with over $2 billion of AUM, where he has represented investors on the boards of several emerging market companies. Maurits started his career in M&A at Goldman Sachs and following by commodity trading at Vitol. Maurits earned a BA in Economics (Magna Cum Laude) from Middlebury College, Vermont. Maurits has been active in emerging markets for over 15 years, having worked in the financial, government and non-profit sectors across different emerging market countries.