DBi’s Beer On Maximizing Portfolio Diversification

DBi offers hedge-fund-like strategies in transparent ETF and UCITS offerings.  These fund offerings provide exposure to the diversification potential of hedge fund strategies with greater liquidity, lower fees, and broader investor access. 

NOW ON DEMAND: WEBCAST – The Great Diversifier: Managed Futures and DBMF

This webcast will cover:

  • Understanding Managed Futures: We’ll demystify the mechanics behind managed futures, breaking down complex concepts into easily digestible insights.
  • Maximizing Portfolio Performance: Uncover how managed futures could offer maximum diversification for your portfolio, going beyond mere hedging to potentially deliver alpha and absolute returns.
  • The Power of Managed Futures in an ETF: Discover why managed futures can be effective within the ETF vehicle and how they can enhance your investment strategy.
  • Cost Efficiency and Simplicity: Learn why “less is more” when it comes to managing costs and limiting factors, and how simplicity can improve your returns.
  • Revolutionizing Managed Futures with DBMF: Explore DBMF’s innovative index-plus approach and its transformative impact on the managed futures asset class.

Accepted for 1 CFP® / IWI / CFA CE Credit

Register for the On Demand Webcast