Brücke Financial’s Doedtman On The Fiduciary’s Role

Luke Doedtman, Financial Planner at Brücke Financial, joined Julie Cooling, Founder and CEO of RIA Channel, to discuss the fiduciary’s role.

One reason to become an RIA is to fully embrace the fiduciary role.  While different advisors explain the role differently, Doedtman states that the key element at Brücke is that planner compensation is tied to client outcomes.  Using asset-based fees, the revenue of the firm declines when market performance is weak. 

Because there are fewer US publicly traded companies today than 20 years ago, investors who want to be fully diversified should include private equity in their portfolio.  Both advisors and clients need to become comfortable with private investments before allocating. 

Brücke also provides direct indexing services.  Clients who wish to exclude an economic sector or geographic region from their investments can allocate to a screened direct indexing portfolio that is consistent with their values.


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