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If you require further assistance, please call:
1-877-341-9255."; EV.Strings["general_error_title"] = "An Error Has Been Encountered"; EV.Strings["CoolOff"] = "Too many failed logins, please wait before trying again."; EV.Strings["BadInputTitle"] = "Invalid input."; EV.Strings["BadInputMessage"] = "Please try again."; EV.Strings["InvalidEmailTitle"] = "Invalid e-mail format."; EV.Strings["InvalidEmailMessage"] = "Please use this format: jane@example.com"; EV.Strings["SubscribeIconAlt"] = ""; EV.Strings["PadlockIconAlt"] = "Content for Investment Professionals only"; EV.Strings["AccessDeniedTitle"] = "Investment Professional Access"; EV.Strings["NoFundData"] = "We're sorry, no data is available for this fund at this time."; EV.Strings["LastUpdated"] = "Last updated"; EV.Strings["Download"] = "DOWNLOAD"; EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"] = "Investment Professional Sign In"; EV.Strings["SignInErrorTitle"] = "Incorrect email or password."; EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc1"] = "Please re-enter your company e-mail and password.
You have "; EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc2"] = "more sign in attempts before you'll need to contact an NextShares representative."; EV.Strings["LoginRegisteredOnlyErrorTitle"] = "You must be registered to sign in."; EV.Strings["StrikeOutErrorTitle"] = "You have had " + EV.Strings.NumberWords[EV_MAX_STRIKES] + " (" + EV_MAX_STRIKES + ") unsuccessful attempts."; EV.Strings["StrikeOutMessage1"] = "In order to continue the"; EV.Strings["StrikeOutMessage2"] = "process, please contact a representive from NextShares at 1-877-341-9255."; EV.Strings["VerifiedErrorTitle"] = "This account has not been activated."; EV.Strings["VerifiedMessage"] = "Your credentials are currently being reviewed by the NextShares team. You will receive an e-mail notification within 24 to 48 hours." + EV.Strings["GenericSupportText"]; EV.Strings["InactiveErrorTitle"] = "This account is no longer active."; EV.Strings["InactiveMessage"] = "Your account has been deactivated." + EV.Strings["GenericSupportText"]; EV.Strings["NewLoginErrorTitle"] = "This account is no longer active."; EV.Strings["NewLoginMessage"] = "Your account has been deactivated. Please use ." + EV.Strings["GenericSupportText"]; EV.Strings["DeniedErrorTitle"] = "This account has been denied."; EV.Strings["DeniedMessage"] = "Our records indicate your access has been denied." + EV.Strings["GenericSupportText"]; EV.Strings["SubscribeTitle"] = "Investment Professional Subscription"; EV.Strings["SubscribeInsightsTitle"] = "Subscribe to NextShares Insights"; EV.Strings["DownloadTitle"] = "Successful Download"; EV.Strings["SubscribeRegisteredOnlyTitle"] = "You must be registered to subscribe to restricted content."; EV.Strings["ForgotTitle"] = "Forgot Password"; EV.Strings["ForgotBadEmailErrorTitle"] = "The email you entered is not in our database."; EV.Strings["ForgotBadEmailErrorMessage"] = "Please try again."; EV.Strings["ForgotRegisteredOnlyTitle"] = "Only registered users have passwords."; EV.Strings["RegisterTitle"] = "Investment Professional Registration"; EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorTitle"] = "Unfortunately, we could not locate this email address in our records."; EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage"] = "If you would like to try another email address, enter it below and click submit. Otherwise, please click here to access our standard registration process."; EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage2"] = "If you would like to try another email address, enter it below and click submit. Otherwise, please click here to register."; EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage3"] = "If you would like to try another email address, enter it below and click submit."; EV.Strings["RegisterInUseErrorTitle"] = "This email is already in use. Please try signing in."; EV.Strings["FundLitModalTitle"] = "Subscribe for Notifications"; EV.Strings["SignInTooltipTitle"] = "Access exclusive resources"; EV.Strings["PickListTooltipTitle"] = "Watch funds on your Pick List"; EV.Strings["GeoLockJavaScriptDisclaimer"] = "This site requires JavaScript to be enabled to view content."; EV.Strings["RememberMeExpiredTitle"] = "Please Re-enter Email"; EV.Strings["RememberMeExpiredMessage"] = "We're sorry, your 'Remember Me' cookie has expired."; EV.Strings['NoSalesPageTitle'] = "Email Change"; EV.Strings['NoSalesPageInvalid'] = "This Email is no longer valid, please enter a new email address"; // Share By Email UI EV.Strings.share = {"empty_name":"Your name cannot be blank. Please enter it and try again.","empty_from_email":"The 'My Contact Email Address' field cannot be blank. Please enter it and try again.","empty_to_email":"The 'Recipients Email' field cannot be blank. Please enter it and try again.","btn_sending":"Sending...","btn_text":"Send Email","success_message":"Your message has been sent."}; /*-------------------------------------------------- * EV.Engagement * - All major code for user engagement flows * - Includes public tooltip and modal utilities */ (function($){ var ME = EV.Engagement, _email = _oldEmail = _goal = _name = _value = _itemData = _type = _post = _response = _guid = null, _$anchor = _openModal = _triggerRefresh = _remember = _debug = _debugAnalytics = _noHover = false, _completeCount = 0; ME.completeCheckCount = 0; ME.noTooltip = false; ME.strikesLeft = EV_MAX_STRIKES; EV.Strings.Breakpoints = { MOBILE: 'mobile', TABLET: 'tablet', DESKTOP: 'desktop' }; /*-------------------------------------------------- * EV.Engagement Init */ $(function(){ if( urlParams.email && typeof urlParams.email === 'string' ){ _email = urlParams.email.trim(); } if( urlParams.Email && typeof urlParams.Email === 'string' ){ _email = urlParams.Email.trim(); } if( EV.Session && EV.Session.Profile && EV.Session.Profile.Email && typeof EV.Session.Profile.Email === 'string' ){ _email = EV.Session.Profile.Email.trim(); } if( urlParams.DM == 'register' ) Register('Registrant', urlParams); // register by URL if( urlParams.en == '1' ) _debug = true; if( urlParams.error == '1' ) ME.SystemError( { refreshOnClose : false } ); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Global Sign In/Register/Account/Picklist Links */ $(document).on('click', '.ev-login', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ) e.preventDefault(); var target = e.target || e.srcElement, $target = $(target), $this = $(this); // login - if not in tooltip/modal, this uses page were on // login - uses page were on _$anchor = ( $this.attr('href') != '#' || _openModal || !$this.parents('a').length || $this.parents('.ev-register').length ) ? $this : $this.parents('a').first(); if( !$target.hasClass('ev-register') ) Login(); }); $(document).on('click', '.ev-gated, .ev-gated-subscription', function(e){ _$anchor = $(this); var target = e.target || e.srcElement, $target = $(target); if( EV_BYPASS == 1 ){ if( $target.hasClass('ev-login') ){ Login(); } else if ( $target.hasClass('ev-register') ) { Register('Registrant', _$anchor); } else { e.preventDefault(); if( $target.hasClass('subscribe') ){ _$anchor = $target; Subscribe(); } else if( $target.is('a.ev-unsubscribe') ){ _$anchor = $target; Unsubscribe(); } else { Download(); } } } else { e.preventDefault(); if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' ){ if( $target.hasClass('subscribe') ){ _$anchor = $target; Subscribe(); } else if( $target.is('a.ev-unsubscribe') ){ _$anchor = $target; Unsubscribe(); } else { Download(); } } else { if( $target.hasClass('subscribe') ){ _$anchor = $target; Subscribe(); } else if ( $target.hasClass('ev-register') ) { Register('Subscriber', _$anchor); } else if( !$target.hasClass('ev-register') ){ Login(); } } } }); $(document).on('click', '.apf-ev-gated', function(e){ if( EV_BYPASS != 1 ){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); _$anchor = $(this); if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ){ Login(); } else { Download(); } } }); $(document).on('click', '.ev-register, a[href="#ev-register"]', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ){ e.preventDefault(); var target = e.target || e.srcElement, $target = $(target), $this = $(this); _$anchor = ( $this.attr('href') != '#' || _openModal || $this.parents('.ev-register').length ) ? $this : $this.parents('a').first(); Register('Registrant', _$anchor); // register by click on Register link } }); $(document).on('click', '.ev-full-registration, a[href="#ev-full-registration"]', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); LongFormRegRedirect(); }); $(document).on('click', '.ev-account', function(e){ if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ) e.preventDefault(); if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' ) window.location.href = EV.Pages.MyAccount; }); $(document).on('click', '.ev-picklist', function(e){ if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ) e.preventDefault(); if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' ) window.location.href = EV.Pages.PickList; }); $(document).on('click', '.ev-forgot', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ForgotPassword(); }); $('#tools-export').click(function(e){ if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ){ e.preventDefault(); _$anchor = $(this); Login(); } }); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Add Classes on Load: Login & Register Author Links / Gated Content / Subscription Icons+Classes */ $( window ).load(function() { $('a[href*="javascript:docload"],a[href*="javascript:docLoad"]').each(function(){ ME.LinkIconHandler( $(this) ); }); }); $('a[href="#ev-login"]').each(function(){ $(this).addClass('ev-login'); }); $('a[href="#ev-register"]').each(function(){ $(this).addClass('ev-register'); }); $('a[href*="javascript:subscribe"]').each(function(){ $(this).addClass('ev-subscription no-tooltip'); }); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Modal Content Binds */ $(document).on('click', '.simplemodal-data #ev-login-submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); LoginSubmit(); }); $(document).on('click', '.simplemodal-data #ev-register-submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); RegisterSubmit(); }); $(document).on('click', '.simplemodal-data #ev-resend-email', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); Resend( $('.simplemodal-data .simplemodal-title:visible').text() ); }); $(document).on('click', '.simplemodal-data #ev-forgot-submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ForgotSubmit(); }); $(document).on('click', '.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); NoSalesPageRecordSubmit(); }); $(document).on('click', '.simplemodal-data .ev-subscribe-submit', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); SubscribeSubmit(); }); $('.simplemodal-data input[type="text"], .simplemodal-data input[type="password"]').focus(function() { var $input = $(this); $input.addClass('focus'); }); $('.simplemodal-data input[type="text"], .simplemodal-data input[type="password"]').blur(function() { var $input = $(this); $input.removeClass('focus'); }); $(document).on('keydown', '.simplemodal-data .ev-form', function(e){ var keyCode = ( e.keyCode ) ? e.keyCode : e.which, target = e.target || e.srcElement, $target = $(target), type = $target.attr('type'); if( keyCode == 13 ){ if( type == 'submit' || type == 'text' || type == 'password' ){ e.preventDefault(); $('input[type="submit"]', this).first().click(); } if( type == 'checkbox' ) $target.click(); } }); $(document).on('click', '.ev-contentrequest-rm', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ContentRequestRemember(); }); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Sign-in/Picklist/Subscribe tooltips */ // FA Sign-in tooltip // TODO: move into SDATA conditional. if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ) { // For non-logged in users var tooltipConfig = { parentSelector : '.ev-gated:not(.no-tooltip), .apf-ev-gated:not(.no-tooltip)', tooltipContent: '.ev-signin-tooltip', customContent: { '.ev-signin-title': EV.Strings["SignInTooltipTitle"] } }; if( !EV_REGISTER_ENABLE ){ tooltipConfig.customContent['p:last'] = ''; } ME.Tooltip( tooltipConfig ); } // Subscribe-able Tooltip if( EV_SUBSCRIBE_ENABLE ){ var tooltipConfig = { parentSelector : '.ev-subscription:not(.no-tooltip, .myaccount-table .ev-subscription), .ev-gated-subscription:not(.no-tooltip, .myaccount-table .ev-gated-subscription)', tooltipContent: '.ev-download-subscribe', beforeShow: SubscribeTooltipBeforeShow }; ME.Tooltip( tooltipConfig ); var tooltipConfig = { parentSelector : '.myaccount-table .ev-subscription, .myaccount-table .ev-gated-subscription', tooltipContent: '.ev-download-subscribe', my: 'left+25', beforeShow: SubscribeTooltipBeforeShow }; ME.Tooltip( tooltipConfig ); } // Subscribe tooltip button $(document).on('click', '.ev-subscription', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var target = e.target || e.srcElement, $target = $(target); if( $target.parents('.myaccount-table').length && EV.Globalization.jRespond.getBreakpoint() != EV.Strings.Breakpoints.DESKTOP ) return false; if( $target.is('a.subscribe') || $target.attr('href') && $target.attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript:subscribe(') > -1 ){ _$anchor = $target; Subscribe(); } else if( ( $target.is('span') || $target.is('img') ) ){ $parentAnchor = $target.parent('a.ev-subscription').first(); if( $parentAnchor.length == 0 ){ if( $(this).hasClass('ev-subscription') ){ $parentAnchor = $(this); } else { $parentAnchor = $(this).parent('.ev-subscription').first(); } } if( $parentAnchor.length && $parentAnchor.attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript:subscribe(') > -1 ){ _$anchor = $parentAnchor; Subscribe(); } else if( $parentAnchor.length && $parentAnchor.attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript:docload(') > -1 && !$target.hasClass('subscribe') ){ _$anchor = $target.parents('.ev-subscription').first(); Download(); } } else if( $target.is('a.download') || ( ( $target.is('span') || $target.is('b') ) && $target.parents('a.ev-subscription').length ) ){ _$anchor = $target.parents('.ev-subscription').first(); Download(); } else if( $target.is('a.ev-unsubscribe') ){ _$anchor = $target; Unsubscribe(); } }); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Floating Join Button */ if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ){ // Tooltip on hover var tooltipConfig = { parentSelector : '#tools > ul > li.ev-register', tooltipContent: '.ev-tooltip-join' }; if( !EV_REGISTER_ENABLE ){ tooltipConfig.tooltipContent = '.ev-signin-tooltip'; tooltipConfig.customContent = { '.ev-signin-title' : EV.Strings["SignInTooltipTitle"], 'p:last' : '' }; } } /*-------------------------------------------------- * Landing triggers */ if( urlParams.showloginmodal ) { _$anchor = $('').attr('href', '#').addClass('ev-login'); Login(); } if( urlParams.error == 'upgraded' ) { var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-error-upgraded', titleText: EV.Strings["RegisterTitle"], onClose: function() { history.replaceState( {}, document.title, window.location.pathname ); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); } if( urlParams.vst && EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' && EV_REMEMBER_ENABLE ) { ContentRequestRemember(); } if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' && urlParams.email && typeof urlParams.resend != 'undefined' ) { _email = ( typeof urlParams.email === 'string' ) ? urlParams.email.trim() : ''; var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-contentrequest-resend', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); $('.ev-vsresend-submit').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); StartResend(); }); } if( $('.ev-form').length ){ $('.ev-form:visible:first :input:enabled:visible:first').focus(); } }); // end: Init /*-------------------------------------------------- * EV.Engagement Public Methods */ // Used to programmatically change an open modal's onClose ME._existingModalOnClose = function(){}; ME.UpdateEmail = function( email ){ if( email && typeof email === 'string' ){ _email = email.trim(); } } // EV.Engagement.Modal - Initializes SimpleModal with content and callbacks ME.Modal = function( args ){ if (EV_DISABLE_SITE) { $(args.modalContent + ' form').html('

' + EV.Strings["general_error"] + '

'); } var $modalTemplate = $('#ev-modal'), modalContent = args.modalContent || false, // accepts selectors and jQuery objects (.append()s) titleText = args.titleText || false, overlayClose = typeof args.overlayClose !== 'undefined' ? args.overlayClose : true, close = typeof args.close !== 'undefined' ? args.close : true, opacity = args.opacity || 30, closeClass = args.closeClass || 'close', minWidth = args.minWidth || null, minHeight = args.minHeight || null, persistErrors = args.persistErrors || false, refreshOnClose = args.refreshOnClose || false, redirectOnClose = args.redirect || false, overlayCss = args.overlayCss || {}; if( !$modalTemplate.length || !modalContent ) return false; if( _openModal ){ $.simplemodal.close(); ME.Modal( args ); } else { $modalTemplate.children().hide(); if ($.type(modalContent) == 'string') { if( $(modalContent, $modalTemplate).length ){ $(modalContent, $modalTemplate).show(); } else if( $(modalContent).length ){ $modalTemplate.append( $(modalContent).clone() ); $(modalContent, $modalTemplate).show(); } else { return false; } } else if( modalContent instanceof $ ){ $modalTemplate.append( modalContent ); $modalTemplate.children().last().show(); } else { return false; } // Start Analytics var modal_type = args.modalType || false; var pn = titleText?titleText:modalContent.substring(1).replace('-',' '); pn = pn.toLowerCase(); Analytics.push(['viewModal',pn,modal_type]); // End Analytics if( titleText ){ $('.simplemodal-header', $modalTemplate).show(); $('.simplemodal-title', $modalTemplate).html( titleText ); } // Extra Internal Functions var _onClose = function(){ _openModal = false; if( ME._triggerDownload ) { var href = _$anchor.attr('href').toLowerCase(); if( href.substr(0,18)=='javascript:docload' ){ var params = docLoadParams(href); docLoad(params[0],params[1]); } else { window.open( _value ); } } $.simplemodal.close(); if( !_debug && refreshOnClose ) { window.location.reload(); } if( redirectOnClose ) { window.location.href = redirectOnClose; } }; var onClose = args.onClose || function(){}; var onCloseCombined = function(){ _onClose(); // default internal behavior onClose(); // user-defined on creation ME._existingModalOnClose(); // programmable anytime }; var _onShow = function( dialog ){ _openModal = true; ME.strikesLeft = EV_MAX_STRIKES; $('.simplemodal-data div:visible input[type="text"], .simplemodal-data div:visible input[type="password"]').first().focus(); $('.simplemodal-data div:visible input[type="submit"]:disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); }; var onShow = args.onShow || function(){}; var onShowCombined = function(){ _onShow(); onShow(); }; // Get content size var borderWidth = 0; if( $modalTemplate.css('box-sizing') == 'border-box' ){ borderWidth = 10; } if( minHeight == null ) minHeight = $modalTemplate.outerHeight() + borderWidth; if( minWidth == null ) minWidth = $modalTemplate.outerWidth() + borderWidth; // Run modal var modalOptions = { close: close, overlayClose: overlayClose, opacity: opacity, closeClass: closeClass, minWidth: minWidth, minHeight: minHeight, onShow: onShowCombined, onClose: onCloseCombined, overlayCss: overlayCss, }; if( EV.Globalization.jRespond.getBreakpoint() == EV.Strings.Breakpoints.MOBILE ){ modalOptions.minHeight = $(window).height(); } $modalTemplate.simplemodal( modalOptions ); if( EV.Globalization.jRespond.getBreakpoint() == EV.Strings.Breakpoints.MOBILE ){ ME.ModalResize(); } } } // EV.Engagement.ModalResize - Resizes modal ME.ModalResize = function( args ){ var $modal = $('#simplemodal-container'); if( EV.Globalization.jRespond.getBreakpoint() != EV.Strings.Breakpoints.MOBILE ){ var headerHeight = $('.simplemodal-header:visible', $modal).outerHeight(true), newWidth = newHeight = childHeight = finalHeight = extraHeight = 0; $('.ev-modal > div:visible', $modal).not('.simplemodal-header').each(function(){ newWidth = ( $(this).outerWidth() > newWidth ) ? $(this).outerWidth(true) : newWidth; newHeight += $(this).outerHeight(); }); newHeight += headerHeight; // Help IE7: Register Error $('.ev-modal > div:visible', $modal).not('.simplemodal-header').children(':visible').each(function(){ childHeight += $(this).outerHeight(true); }); childHeight += headerHeight; extraHeight = ( $('#ev-modal-register:visible', $modal).length ) ? 30 : 0; finalHeight = ( (childHeight+extraHeight) >= newHeight ) ? (childHeight+extraHeight) : newHeight; if( $modal.css('box-sizing') == 'border-box' ){ $modal.innerWidth( newWidth); $modal.innerHeight( finalHeight ); } else { $modal.css('width', newWidth ); $modal.css('height', finalHeight ); } $modal.css('left', $(window).width() / 2 - $modal.width() / 2 - 5 ); // -5 simplemodal? // Help IE7: Register Error $('#ev-modal-register .left', $modal).css('zoom','1').show(); $('#ev-modal-register .left', $modal).children().css('zoom','1').show(); } else { $modal.innerWidth( $(window).width() - 10); $modal.innerHeight( $(window).height() ); $modal.css('top', '0px'); $modal.css('left', '0px'); } }; // end: ME.ModalResize // EV.Engagement.Tooltip - Initializes Tooltip with content and callbacks ME.Tooltip = function( args ){ var parentSelector = args.parentSelector || false, $tooltip, tooltipContent = args.tooltipContent || false, $template = args.$template || $('#ev-tooltip-template'), templateSelector = args.templateSelector || '.ev-tooltip', my = args.my || 'left+25', at = args.at || 'right', offset = args.offset || '25 0', fadeSpeed = args.fadeSpeed || EV.fadeSpeed, customContent = args.customContent || false, // key value pairs '.selector' : '' beforeShow = args.beforeShow || function(){}; // $parent passed in automatically // Bad input if( !parentSelector || !tooltipContent || !$template.length || templateSelector=='' ) return false; // Can't handle tooltip: IE7+HeadingButton+HomeCarousel if( $(parentSelector).parents('#heading').length && $('.carousel-home').length && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.")!=-1 ) return false; $(document).on({ mouseenter: function(){ if( ME.noTooltip ) return false; var $this = $(this); _$anchor = $this; // Store parent for tooltip clicks if( !$(templateSelector, $this).length ) $template.clone(false).removeAttr('id').appendTo( $this ); $tooltip = $(templateSelector, $this); if( customContent ){ for(var selector in customContent){ if( customContent.hasOwnProperty( selector ) ){ $( selector, tooltipContent ).html( customContent[selector] ); } } } $tooltip.children().not('.ev-tooltip-arw, .ev-tooltip-arw-border, ' + tooltipContent).remove(); $('.ev-tooltip-arw, .ev-tooltip-arw-border', $tooltip).show(); $(tooltipContent, $tooltip).show(); beforeShow( $this ); $tooltip.stop(true, true).fadeIn( fadeSpeed ); $tooltip.position({ my: my, at: at, of: $this, offset: offset, collision: 'flipfit' }); $('.ev-tooltip-arw',$tooltip).position({ my: my, at: at, of: $this, collision: 'flipfit' }); $('.ev-tooltip-arw-border',$tooltip).position({ my: my, at: at, of: $this, collision: 'flipfit' }); if ( $this.offset().left > $tooltip.offset().left ) { $('.ev-tooltip-arw, .ev-tooltip-arw-border').removeClass('arw-left'); $('.ev-tooltip-arw, .ev-tooltip-arw-border').addClass('arw-right'); //$('.ev-tooltip-arw').css('left', '' + $tooltip.outerWidth()-6 + 'px' ); //$('.ev-tooltip-arw-border').css('left', '' + $tooltip.outerWidth()-6 + 'px' ); } else { $('.ev-tooltip-arw, .ev-tooltip-arw-border').removeClass('arw-right'); $('.ev-tooltip-arw, .ev-tooltip-arw-border').addClass('arw-left'); //$('.ev-tooltip-arw').css('left', '-46px' ); //$('.ev-tooltip-arw-border').css('left', '-48px' ); } }, mouseleave: function() { if( ME.noTooltip ) return false; $(templateSelector, $(this)).stop(true, true).fadeOut( fadeSpeed ); } }, parentSelector ); }; // end: ME.Tooltip // EV.Engagement.ModalErrorClear - Hides any error messages in a modal ME.ModalErrorClear = function(){ var $modal = $('#simplemodal-container'), $currentContent = $('.simplemodal-data > div:visible', $modal).not('.simplemodal-header'), $errorDiv = $currentContent.children('.ev-modal-error'); $errorDiv.hide(); }; // end: EV.ModalErrorClear // EV.Engagement.ModalError - Updates modal with DOM object with error title and text ME.ModalError = function( args ){ if( !_openModal ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } var title = args.title || '', description = args.description || '', message = args.message || '', $modal = $('#simplemodal-container'), $currentContent = $('.simplemodal-data > div:visible', $modal).not('.simplemodal-header'), $errorDiv, $errorTitle, $errorDesc; if( _debug ){ console.log( title ); console.log( description ); } if( title == '' && description == '' ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } if( message != '' ){ $currentContent.hide(); var $newContent = $('
').addClass('ev-modal-generic').append( $('

').html( message ) ); $currentContent.parent().append( $newContent ); $currentContent.parent().children('div').last().show(); $currentContent = $('.simplemodal-data div:visible').not('.simplemodal-header'); } $errorDiv = $currentContent.children('.ev-modal-error'); if( $errorDiv.length ){ // Update if( title != '' ){ if( $errorDiv.children('h5').length ){ $errorDiv.children('h5').html( title ); } else { $errorTitle = $('

').html( title ); $errorDiv.prepend( $errorTitle ); } } if( description != '' ){ if( $errorDiv.children('p').length ){ $errorDiv.children('p').html( description ); } else { $errorDesc = $('

').html( description ); $errorDiv.append( $errorDesc ); } } $errorDiv.show(); // Analytics Error Tracking Analytics.push(['trackError',title?title:description]); } else { // Create var $newError = $('

').addClass('ev-modal-error'); // Analytics Error Tracking Analytics.push(['trackError',title?title:description]); if( title != '' ) $errorTitle = $('
').html( title ); if( description != '' ) $errorDesc = $('

').html( description ); $newError.append( $errorTitle ).append( $errorDesc ); $currentContent.prepend( $newError ); } var onShow = args.onShow || function(){}; onShow(); setTimeout( function(){ ME.ModalResize(); }, 200 ); }; // end: EV.ModalError ME.RefreshModalOnClose = function( refresh ){ if( refresh === true || refresh === false ){ _triggerRefresh = refresh; } } // EV.Engagement.Login - Public login function ME.Login = function( $anchor ){ var $anchor = ( $anchor instanceof $ ) ? $anchor : $($anchor); if( !$anchor.length ) return false; _$anchor = $anchor; Login(); } // end: ME.Login // EV.Engagement.Register - Public register function ME.Register = function( $anchor ){ var $anchor = ( $anchor instanceof $ ) ? $anchor : $($anchor); if( !$anchor.length ) return false; _$anchor = $anchor; Register('Registrant', _$anchor); } // end: ME.Register // EV.Engagement.Subscribe - Public subscribe function ME.Subscribe = function( $anchor ){ var $anchor = ( $anchor instanceof $ ) ? $anchor : $($anchor); if( !$anchor.length ) return false; _$anchor = $anchor; Subscribe('Registrant', _$anchor); } // end: ME.Subscribe // EV.Engagement.Unsubscribe - Public unsubscribe function ME.Unsubscribe = function( args ){ _value = args._value; _type = args._type; _name = args._name; UnsubscribeSubmit(); } // EV.Engagement.Ajax - Public Ajax helper ME.Ajax = function( args ){ if( typeof args === "object" && args != null ) doAjax( args ); }; // EV.Engagement.SelfServeErrors - Public errors helper ME.SelfServeErrors = function( args ){ if( typeof args === "object" && args != null ) SelfServeErrors( args ); } // EV.Engagement.SelfServeErrors - Public ajax complete helper ME.CompleteHandler = function( args ){ if( typeof args === "object" && args != null ) return CompleteHandler( args ); } // EV.Engagement.SystemError - Provides a generic error for !_openModal situations ME.SystemError = function( args ){ var refreshOnClose = ( typeof args != 'undefined' && typeof args.refreshOnClose != 'undefined' ) ? args.refreshOnClose : true; var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-error', titleText: EV.Strings["general_error_title"], refreshOnClose: refreshOnClose } ME.Modal( modalArgs ); } // end: EV.Engagement.SystemError // EV.Engagement.GetMediaItem - Returns ev-media.json item data given a needle ME.GetMediaItem = function( keyString, type ){ var type = type || EV.SubscriptionType.E_ALERT; if( typeof keyString === "string" && keyString != null ) return GetMediaItem( keyString, type ); } // Adds gated/subscriptions classes and icons to engagement anchors ME.LinkIconHandler = function( $anc ){ var itemData = GetMediaItem( $anc.attr('href') ); if ( !itemData || $anc.hasClass('acctbutton') || $anc.hasClass('no_padlock') || $anc.hasClass('recent-insight') || $anc.parents('ul.controls').length || $anc.parents('.insight-feature').length ) return; // Helper markup for certain $anchors if( !$anc.hasClass('downloadicon') && !$anc.hasClass('subscribeicon') && !$anc.parent('h4').length && !$anc.children('span').length && !$anc.parents('ul.resources').length ){ $anc.wrapInner(''); } // Prevent Tooltips var showTooltip = ( $anc.hasClass('no_tooltip' ) ) ? false : true; // Show/hides icon var showIcons = true; if ( $anc.parents('div.carousel-item').length ) showIcons = false; // Custom icon insertion $targets var parentEvent = false; var $target = false; if ( $anc.parents('div.event').length ) { parentEvent = $anc.closest('div.event'); $target = $('p.title a span', parentEvent); } if ( $anc.hasClass('downloadicon') || $anc.hasClass('subscribeicon') ){ $target = $('> span', $anc); } // Additional styling var buttonWrapper = $anc.parents('div.buttons'); if ( buttonWrapper.length ) { buttonWrapper.addClass('padlock'); } // Add new hooks if ( ( itemData.lockedtags && !$.isEmptyObject(itemData.lockedtags) ) && itemData.tags.subscribeable==true && EV_SUBSCRIBE_ENABLE ) { if( showTooltip ) $anc.addClass('ev-gated-subscription'); $anc.addClass('sid_' + itemData.sku); if ( showIcons ) { // subscribe icon var elementSubscribe = document.createElement('img'); elementSubscribe.setAttribute('class', 'subscribe'); elementSubscribe.setAttribute('alt', EV.Strings["SubscribeIconAlt"]); elementSubscribe.setAttribute('src', '/images/interface/widget_plus.gif'); // gated icon var elementPadlock = document.createElement('img'); elementPadlock.setAttribute('class', 'padlock'); elementPadlock.setAttribute('alt', EV.Strings["PadlockIconAlt"]); // There is a Content Element defined for the Padlock image, but it wasn't // being referenced. Perhaps Enthink wanted to move the definition here. elementPadlock.setAttribute('src', EV_RESTRICTED_BADGE); if ( $target ) { if ( !$target.children('img').length ) $target.append( elementPadlock ); if ( !$target.children('img').length && showTooltip ) $target.append( elementSubscribe ); $target.append( elementPadlock ); if( showTooltip ) $target.append( elementSubscribe ); } else { if ( !$anc.children('img').length ) $anc.append( elementPadlock ); if ( !$anc.children('img').length && showTooltip ) $anc.append( elementSubscribe ); $anc.append( elementPadlock ); if( showTooltip ) $anc.append( elementSubscribe ); } } } else if ( itemData.tags.subscribeable == true && EV_SUBSCRIBE_ENABLE ) { if( showTooltip ) $anc.addClass('ev-subscription'); $anc.addClass('sid_' + itemData.sku); if ( showIcons ) { var elementSubscribe = document.createElement('img'); elementSubscribe.setAttribute('class', 'subscribe'); elementSubscribe.setAttribute('alt',EV.Strings["SubscribeIconAlt"]); elementSubscribe.setAttribute('src', '/images/interface/widget_plus.gif'); if ( $target ) { if ( !$($target).children('img').length && showTooltip ) $target.append( elementSubscribe ); } else { if ( !$anc.children('img').length && showTooltip ) $anc.append( elementSubscribe ); } } } else if ( itemData.lockedtags && !$.isEmptyObject(itemData.lockedtags) ) { $anc.addClass('ev-gated'); if ( showIcons ) { var elementPadlock = document.createElement('img'); elementPadlock.setAttribute('class', 'padlock'); elementPadlock.setAttribute('alt', EV.Strings["PadlockIconAlt"]); // There is a Content Element defined for the Padlock image, but it wasn't // being referenced. Perhaps Enthink wanted to move the definition here. elementPadlock.setAttribute('src', EV_RESTRICTED_BADGE); if ( $anc.find('span.arw').length > 0 ) { $(elementPadlock).attr('style', 'padding-left:12px;'); } if ( $anc.find('span > img').length > 0 && $anc.find('img.GeoLock').length == 0) { // show it if has GeoLock $(elementPadlock).attr('style', 'display:none;'); } if ( $target ) { if ( !$target.children('img').length ) $target.append( elementPadlock ); } else { if ( !$anc.children('img').length ) { if ( $anc.parents('ul.resources').length ) { $anc.parent().prepend( $(elementPadlock).css('float','right') ); } else { $anc.append( elementPadlock ); } } } } } }; // end: LinkIconHandler /*-------------------------------------------------- * EV.Engagement Private Methods */ // Track user action and resource var TrackUser = function(){ if( _openModal ){ if (typeof console == "object") { if( _debug ){ console.log( '#' ); console.log( 'goal: ' + _goal ); console.log( 'value: ' +_value ); console.log( 'name: ' + _name ); console.log( 'type: ' + _type ); console.log( '$anchor: ' ); console.log( _$anchor ); } } if( _goal != null ) return false; } else { _goal = _name = _value = _itemData = null; } // If user should be redirected if (urlParams.referer) { _goal = 'access'; _value = _name = urlParams.referer; _triggerRefresh = true; if( urlParams.referer.toLowerCase().indexOf('loaddocument') >= 0 ){ var refParams = ParseURL( urlParams.referer ); if( refParams && typeof refParams['fn'] == 'undefined' ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } var href = "javascript:docload('"+refParams['fn']+"','fundPDFs');"; _$anchor = $('').attr('href',href); _itemData = GetMediaItem( href ); if( _itemData && _itemData.name ) _name = _itemData.name; } else { _$anchor = $('').attr('href',_value); _itemData = GetLockedPage( _value.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '') ); } } if( !_$anchor ) return false; if( _$anchor.hasClass('ev-clear-tracking') ){ _$anchor = _goal = _name = _value = _itemData = null; } // Sign-in click if( _$anchor.hasClass('ev-login') || _$anchor.hasClass('ev-register') ){ _goal = 'access'; _value = window.location.href; _name = document.title; if( _$anchor.attr('href') != '#' && _$anchor.attr('href') != '#ev-login' && _$anchor.attr('href') != EV.Pages.Login && !_$anchor.is('li.ev-register') ){ _value = _$anchor.attr('href'); _name = _$anchor.text(); } else { var $parentLink = _$anchor.parents('a').first(); if( $parentLink.length && $parentLink.attr('href') != '#' && $parentLink.attr('href') != '' ){ _value = $parentLink.attr('href'); _name = $parentLink.text(); } } } // [Locked] Document Click if( _$anchor.hasClass('ev-gated') || _$anchor.parent().hasClass('ev-gated') ){ _goal = 'access'; _value = ( _$anchor.attr('href') != '#' ) ? _$anchor.attr('href') : _$anchor.parents('a').first().attr('href'); _itemData = GetMediaItem( _value ); if( !_itemData ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } _name = _itemData.name; _type = _itemData.type; } // Locked Page if( _$anchor.hasClass('apf-ev-gated') ){ _goal = 'access'; _value = ( _$anchor.attr('href') != '#' ) ? _$anchor.attr('href') : _$anchor.parents('a').first().attr('href'); _itemData = GetLockedPage( _value ); if( !_itemData ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } _name = _itemData.name; } // Locked & Subscribe-able: Accessed registration through login modal. "Click" or "Get PDF Now" if( _$anchor.hasClass('ev-gated-subscription') ){ _goal = 'access'; _value = ( _$anchor.attr('href') != '#' ) ? _$anchor.attr('href') : _$anchor.parents('a').first().attr('href'); _itemData = GetMediaItem( _value ); if( !_itemData ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } _name = _itemData.name; _type = _itemData.type; } // "Subscribe" and "Un-subscribe" tooltip buttons if( _$anchor.is('a.subscribe') || _$anchor.is('a.ev-unsubscribe') ){ _goal = ( _$anchor.is('a.ev-unsubscribe') ) ? 'unsubscribe' : 'subscribe'; _value = ( _$anchor.attr('href') != '#' ) ? _$anchor.attr('href') : _$anchor.parents('a').first().attr('href'); _itemData = GetMediaItem( _value ); _type = ( _value.toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript:subscribe(') > -1 ) ? EV.SubscriptionType.INSIGHT : EV.SubscriptionType.E_ALERT; if( !_itemData ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } _value = _itemData.sku; _name = _itemData.name; } // Picklist tooltip click if( _$anchor.parents('.check-link').length ){ _$anchor = _$anchor.parents('.check-link').first(); } // Picklist checkbox click if( _$anchor.hasClass('check-link') ){ if( window.location.pathname.substring(1) == EV.Pages.MyAccount ){ _goal = 'access'; _value = EV.Pages.MyAccount + '#Pick-List'; _name = EV.Strings.MyAccount.PickList; } else { var $fundTableAnchor = _$anchor.parent().siblings().find('a.fund'); _goal = 'picklist'; _value = ( _$anchor.attr('rel') ) ? _$anchor.attr('rel') : parseID( $fundTableAnchor.attr('class'), 'fid_') ; _name = ( typeof ev_FundData != "undefined" && typeof ev_FundData[_value] != "undefined") ? ev_FundData[_value].name : ''; if( _name == '' && $fundTableAnchor.length ) _name = $fundTableAnchor.text(); } } // Export tool click if( _$anchor.attr('id') == 'tools-export' ){ _goal = 'export'; _value = ( _$anchor.attr('href') != '#' ) ? _$anchor.attr('href') : _$anchor.parents('a').first().attr('href'); _name = _$anchor.data('name'); } if( _$anchor.hasClass('ev-subscription') ){ _value = ( _$anchor.attr('href') != '#' ) ? _$anchor.attr('href') : _$anchor.parents('a').first().attr('href'); _itemData = GetMediaItem( _value ); _type = ( _value.toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript:subscribe(') > -1 ) ? EV.SubscriptionType.INSIGHT : EV.SubscriptionType.E_ALERT; if( !_itemData ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } if( _$anchor.attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript:subscribe(') > -1 ){ _goal = 'subscribe'; _value = _itemData.sku; } else { _goal = 'access'; } _name = _itemData.name; } // Insights Submit button if( _$anchor.attr('id') == 'ev-insights-submit' ){ var itemArray = new Array(), mediaItem; $('.myaccount-list input[name="i[]"]:checked').not('.subscribed').each(function(){ itemArray.push( $(this).val() ) }); _goal = 'subscribe'; _value = itemArray; _type = EV.SubscriptionType.INSIGHT; _itemData = {}; _itemData.restricted = false; _name = ''; for( var i=0;i<_value.length;i++ ){ mediaItem = GetMediaItem("javascript:subscribe('" + _value[i] + "');"); if( i == (_value.length-1) && _value.length > 1 ){ _name += 'and ' + mediaItem.name; } else { _name += mediaItem.name + '| '; // Pipe splitter for JS (see: ev-modal-subscribe and subscribesubmitcomplete) } } if( _name.substring(_name.length-2, _name.length) == '| ' ){ _name = _name.substring(0, _name.length-2); } } if (typeof console == "object") { if( _debug ){ console.log( '# ' + '' ); console.log( 'goal: ' + _goal ); console.log( 'value: ' +_value ); console.log( 'name: ' + _name ); console.log( 'type: ' + _type ); console.log( '$anchor: ' ); console.log( _$anchor ); console.log( 'itemData: ' ); console.log( _itemData ); } } } // end: TrackUser // Generic Ajax caller var doAjax = function( args ){ var type = args.type || 'POST', data = args.data || {}, url = args.url || EV.Pages.API, dataType = args.dataType || 'text', success = args.success || function(){}, error = args.error || AjaxErrorHandler( args ), complete = args.complete || function(){}; data.LOG_referer = document.URL; if( _$anchor instanceof $ ){ data.LOG_$anchorHREF = _$anchor.attr('href'); data.LOG_$anchorID = _$anchor.attr('id'); data.LOG_$anchorREL = _$anchor.attr('rel'); data.LOG_$anchorTEXT = _$anchor.clone() //clone the element .children() //select all the children .remove() //remove all the children .end() //again go back to selected element .text().trim(); } _post = data; $.ajax({ type: type, data: data, url: url, dataType: dataType, error: error, complete: complete }); }; // end: AjaxHandler // Generic Ajax error handler var AjaxErrorHandler = function( args ){ return function( jqXHR, exception ){ // Build AJAX Error var errorText = EV.Strings["general_error"] + " "; if (jqXHR.status === 0) { errorText = errorText + " (Ajax:0)"; } else if (jqXHR.status == 404) { errorText = errorText + " (Ajax:404)"; } else if (jqXHR.status == 500) { errorText = errorText + " (Ajax:500)"; } else if (exception === 'parsererror') { errorText = errorText + " (Ajax:Parse)"; } else if (exception === 'timeout') { errorText = errorText + " (Ajax:Timeout)"; } else if (exception === 'abort') { errorText = errorText + " (Ajax:Abort)"; } else { errorText = errorText + " (Ajax:Uncaught)"; } // Display Error if( _openModal ){ ME.ModalError({ 'description' : errorText }); } else { alert( errorText ); } } }; // end: AjaxErrorHandler // Global AJAX complete handler var CompleteHandler = function( args ){ return function( jqXHR, textStatus ){ var ajaxData = {}; ajaxData.responseText = jqXHR.responseText; try{ ajaxData.$response = $( $.parseXML( jqXHR.responseText ) ); } catch( err ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } // Result Code ajaxData.result = ajaxData.$response.find('result').text(); // Result Data var data = ajaxData.$response.find('data').text(); ajaxData.data = ( data ) ? $.parseJSON( data ) : ''; // Updated session data EV.Session = $.parseJSON( ajaxData.$response.find('session').text() ); _email = ( EV.Session && EV.Session.Profile && EV.Session.Profile.Email ) ? EV.Session.Profile.Email : _email; if( typeof _email === 'string' ) _email = _email.trim(); // Output emails if( _debug ){ var subject = ajaxData.$response.find('subject').text(); var emailBody = ajaxData.$response.find('emailBody').text(); if( subject.length ){ $('#main').before( $('

').addClass('email') .append( $('

').text( subject ) ) .append( emailBody ) ); } } _response = ajaxData; if( ajaxData.result == '0' ){ args.success( ajaxData ); } else { args.failure( ajaxData ); } } }; // end: CompleteHandler() var SendAlert = function(){ var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'Alert', 'controller' : _response.$response.find('action').text(), 'code' : _response.result, 'data' : { 'response' : _response.responseText, 'post' : _post } }, }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } // Redirect user to long form registration var LongFormRegRedirect = function(email, goal, name, type, value, oldEmail) { // Update variables if given _email = (email && typeof email === 'string' ) ? email.trim() : _email; _goal = goal || _goal; _name = name || _name; _type = type || _type; _value = value || _value; _oldEmail = oldEmail || _oldEmail; var reglink = EV.Pages.Register + '?'; if( _openModal ) reglink = reglink + 'Email=' + encodeURIComponent(_email) + '&'; if( _goal != null ) reglink = reglink + 'Goal=' + encodeURIComponent(_goal) + '&'; if( _name != null ) reglink = reglink + 'Name=' + encodeURIComponent(_name) + '&'; if( _type != null ) reglink = reglink + 'Type=' + encodeURIComponent(_type) + '&'; if( _oldEmail != null ) reglink = reglink + 'OldEmail=' + encodeURIComponent(_oldEmail) + '&'; if( _value != null ){ if( _goal == 'subscribe' && $.isArray( _value ) ){ reglink += 'Value=' + _value.join(','); } else if( _goal == 'subscribe' && _value.toLowerCase().indexOf('docload(') > -1 ){ var mediaItem = GetMediaItem( _value ); if( !mediaItem ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } reglink += 'Value=' + mediaItem.sku; } else { reglink += 'Value=' + encodeURIComponent(_value); } } window.location.href = reglink; }; // End: LongFormRegRedirect() // Generic SelfServe User Errors var SelfServeErrors = function( args ){ var task = args.task || false, titleText = args.titleText || '', errorTitleText = args.errorTitleText || '', ajaxData = args.ajaxData || false, result = ajaxData.result || false; if( !task || !ajaxData ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } if( result == '-909' ){ // USR_NOT_ACTIVE if( EV.Session.Status != '' ){ result = EV.Session.Status.toLowerCase(); } else { try { resultObj = JSON.parse(ajaxData.data); result = resultObj.Status.toLowerCase(); _email = ( resultObj.Email && typeof resultObj.Email === 'string' ) ? resultObj.Email.trim() : ''; } catch (e) { result = ajaxData.data.toLowerCase(); } if(result == '') { result = '-909'; } } } else if( result == '-912' ){ result = 'changed'; _email = ( ajaxData.data && typeof ajaxData.data === 'string' ) ? ajaxData.data.trim() : ''; } if( _debug ){ console.log (result); console.log(task); } switch( result ){ case '-20' : // DB_FAIL ME.SystemError( { refreshOnClose : false } ); break; case '-903': window.location.href = EV.Pages.Result + '?denied=1'; break; case '-909' : if( task == 'start' || task == 'subscribe' || task == 'register' || task == 'login' ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorTitle"], description: (EV_REGISTER_ENABLE?EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage2"]:EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage3"]) }; if( task == 'start' || task == 'login' ) { modalArgs.onShow = function() { $('.ev-register, a[href="#ev-register"], .simplemodal-data #ev-login-submit').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); LongFormRegRedirect(); }) }; } if( task == 'register' ) { modalArgs.onShow = function() { $('.ev-register, a[href="#ev-register"], .simplemodal-data #ev-register-submit').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); LongFormRegRedirect(); }) }; } ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; } case '-921': if( task == 'register' ){ var dataMessage = ajaxData.data; if (dataMessage.toLowerCase().indexOf("subscriber") >= 0) { var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-login-form', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], onShow: function(){ ME.ModalError({ title: EV.Strings["RegisterInUseErrorTitle"] }); $('.simplemodal-data div:visible #ev-login-email').val( _email ); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-login-form').show(); setTimeout( function(){ $('.simplemodal-data div:visible #ev-login-password').focus(); }, 100 ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); } } break; case 'changed': var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-changed', titleText: EV.Strings.RegisterTitle, onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); break; case 'submitted': var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-resend', titleText: EV.Strings.RegisterTitle, onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); break; case 'verified': var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["VerifiedErrorTitle"], message: EV.Strings["VerifiedMessage"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; case 'disabled': case 'denied': var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["DeniedErrorTitle"], message: EV.Strings["DeniedMessage"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; case 'inactive': var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["InactiveErrorTitle"], message: EV.Strings["InactiveMessage"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; case 'newlogin': var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["NewLoginErrorTitle"], message: EV.Strings["NewLoginMessage"], onShow: function(){ $('.ev-modal-generic .new-email').html( _email ).click(function() { Login(); }); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; case '-901': // USR_DENIED var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["DeniedErrorTitle"], message: EV.Strings["DeniedMessage"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; case '-914': // USR_ROLE_RESTRICTED RestrictedModal(); break; case '-900': // USR_NEED_LOGOUT window.location.reload(); case '-931' : // USR_HAS_ACCESS var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-login-form', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], onShow: function(){ ME.ModalError({ title: EV.Strings["RegisterInUseErrorTitle"] }); $('.simplemodal-data div:visible #ev-login-email').val( _email ); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-login-form .ev-login-password').show(); setTimeout( function(){ $('.simplemodal-data div:visible #ev-login-password').focus(); }, 100 ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); break; case '-932': // USR_ACCESS_UPDATED var addedModalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-regadded', titleText: titleText, onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( addedModalArgs ); break; case '-904' : // USR_NOT_FOUND case '-107' : // BAD_DATA if( task == 'register' ){ // User did not exist before registering, make sure there's no old email _oldEmail = null; var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["SignInErrorTitle"], description: (EV_REGISTER_ENABLE?EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage"]:EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage3"]) }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; } else if( result == '-107' ) { ME.SystemError(); break; } case '-924' : // USR_NOT_SUPPORTED if( task == 'login' ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["SignInErrorTitle"], description: EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc1"] + EV.Strings.NumberWords[ME.strikesLeft] + " (" + ME.strikesLeft + ") " + EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc2"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; } if( task == 'start' || task == 'subscribe' ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorTitle"], description: (EV_REGISTER_ENABLE?EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage2"]:EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage3"]) }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; } case '-907' : // USR_BAD_LOGIN if( task == 'login' ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["SignInErrorTitle"], description: EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc1"] + EV.Strings.NumberWords[ME.strikesLeft] + " (" + ME.strikesLeft + ") " + EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc2"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; } case '-100' : // BAD_PARAMS if( task == 'login' ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["SignInErrorTitle"], description: EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc1"] + EV.Strings.NumberWords[ME.strikesLeft] + " (" + ME.strikesLeft + ") " + EV.Strings["SignInErrorDesc2"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); break; } else if( ( (task == 'register' ) || (task == 'start') || (task == 'subscribe') ) && result == '-100' ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["InvalidEmailTitle"], description: EV.Strings["InvalidEmailMessage"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); // Re-enable submit button if( $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-submit').length ) { $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); } break; } _triggerRefresh = true; case '-109' : // BAD_EMAIL if( ( task == 'register' || task == 'subscribe' ) && result == '-109' ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["InvalidEmailTitle"], description: EV.Strings["InvalidEmailMessage"] }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); // Re-enable submit button if( $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-submit').length ) { $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); } break; } _triggerRefresh = true; case '-913' : // USR_CHANGED_NO_SP if(task != 'register') { //added 8/19/2015 jlipinski@eatonvance.com to allow register to fall through if( _openModal && $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-email').val() ) _email = (typeof $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-email').val() === 'string') ? $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-email').val().trim() : ''; var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-no-sp', titleText: EV.Strings['NoSalesPageTitle'], onShow: function(){ $('#ev-no-sp-email').val( '' ); $('#ev-no-sp-old-email').val( _email ); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); break; } case '-925' : // USR_REGISTRATION_REQUIRED // Redirect user to long form registration if auto registration is disabled LongFormRegRedirect($('.simplemodal-data #ev-subscribe-email').val()); break; default: var errorTitle = ( EV.Strings.Errors[task] && EV.Strings.Errors[task][result] && EV.Strings.Errors[task][result]['title'] ) ? EV.Strings.Errors[task][result]['title'] : ''; var errorDesc = ''; if( EV.Strings.Errors[task] && EV.Strings.Errors[task][result] && EV.Strings.Errors[task][result]['description'] ){ errorDesc = EV.Strings.Errors[task][result]['description']; } else { errorDesc = EV.Strings["general_error"]; SendAlert(); } ME.ModalError({ title: errorTitle, description: errorDesc }); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-resend-email').attr('disabled', true); break; } }; // end: SelfServe Errors // Check and handle Strike Out var StrikeOut = function( task ){ ME.strikesLeft--; if( !ME.strikesLeft ){ var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["StrikeOutErrorTitle"], message: EV.Strings["StrikeOutMessage1"] + ' ' + task + ' ' + EV.Strings["StrikeOutMessage2"] } ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); return true; } return false; }; // end StrikeOut() var ContentRequestRemember = function(){ var completeArgs = { success: function( ajaxData ){ _remember = true; LoginFrames( EV.Session.SID, false ); $('.simplemodal-data .simplemodal-header .close').click(); }, failure: SelfServeErrors } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'SessionExtend' }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); }// end ContentRequestRemember() // Resend verification email var Resend = function( titleText ){ if( !_email ) return false; var completeArgs = { success: function( ajaxData ){ var successModalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-resent', titleText: titleText, onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( successModalArgs ); }, failure: function(){ ME.ModalError( {description: EV.Strings["general_error"]} ); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-resend-email').attr('disabled', true); } } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'ResendVerification', 'Email' : _email, 'Goal' : _goal, 'Name' : _name, 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); }; // end: Resend // Login handler for various starting points (Sign-in, Subscribe, Download Gated, etc.) var Login = function(){ if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' ) return false; TrackUser(); // Remember Me Cookie var GetCookie = ( ( window.Enthink || {} ).Utils || {} ).GetCookie; if( typeof GetCookie == 'function' ){ var cookie = GetCookie('ev-modal-login'); if( cookie != null && cookie != '' ){ _guid = cookie; $('#ev-login-remember').attr('checked','checked'); } } if( _guid ) { var completeArgs = { success: EmailFromGuidSuccess, failure: EmailFromGuidFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'GetEmailFromGuid', 'Guid' : _guid }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } else { var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-login-form', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], onShow: function(){ if( _email ){ $('#ev-login-email').val( _email ); if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'NonVerified' && EV.Session.UserType == 'Registrant' && EV.Session.Status.toLowerCase() == 'active' ){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-login-form .ev-login-password').show(); ME.ModalResize(); } setTimeout(function(){$('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-password').focus();}, 200); } }, modalType: EV_MODAL.LOGIN //for analytics tracking modal type }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); } }; // end: Login var EmailFromGuidSuccess = function( ajaxData ) { var data = ajaxData.data; _email = ( data.Email && typeof data.Email === 'string' ) ? data.Email.trim() : _email; var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-login-form', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], onShow: function(){ if( _email ){ $('#ev-login-email').val( _email ); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-login-form .ev-login-password').show(); ME.ModalResize(); setTimeout(function(){$('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-password').focus();}, 200); } }, modalType: EV_MODAL.LOGIN //for analytics tracking modal type }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end: EmailFromGuidSuccess var EmailFromGuidFailure = function( ajaxData ) { var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-login-form', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], onShow: function(){ ME.ModalError({ title: EV.Strings["RememberMeExpiredTitle"], description: EV.Strings["RememberMeExpiredMessage"] }); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end: EmailFromGuidFailure // Login submit button handler var LoginSubmit = function(){ var $content = $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-login-form'), $form = $content.children('form'), $email = $('#ev-login-email', $form), $pass = $('#ev-login-password', $form), rememberMe = $('#ev-login-remember', $form).is(':checked'), email = ( $email.val() && typeof $email.val() === 'string' ) ? $email.val().trim() : '', pass = $pass.is(":visible") ? $pass.val() : ''; if( email == '' ){ setTimeout( function(){ $email.focus(); }, 100 ); return false; } _email = email; // apply the trimmed value $('#ev-login-email').val(_email); if( !$pass.is(':visible') && pass == '' ){ ME.ModalErrorClear(); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-submit').attr('disabled',true).addClass('disabled'); var completeArgs = { success: StartSuccess, failure: StartFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'LoginStart', 'Email' : _email, 'Goal' : _goal, 'Name' : _name, 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } else if( pass == '' ){ setTimeout( function(){ $pass.focus(); }, 100 ); return false; } else { ME.ModalErrorClear(); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-submit').attr('disabled',true).addClass('disabled'); // Remember Me bool _remember = rememberMe; var completeArgs = { success: LoginSuccess, failure: LoginFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'Login', 'Email' : email, 'Password' : pass, 'Remember' : rememberMe, 'Goal' : _goal, 'login' : _name, 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } }; // end: LoginSubmit var StartSuccess = function( ajaxData ){ var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-contentrequest', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], refreshOnClose: !(urlParams.showloginmodal), onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end: StartSuccess var StartFailure = function( ajaxData ){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); if( ajaxData.result == '-920' ){ ME.ModalErrorClear(); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-login-form .ev-login-password').show(); ME.ModalResize(); setTimeout( function(){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-login-form #ev-login-password:visible').focus(); }, 200 ); } else if(ajaxData.result == '-400') { ME.ModalErrorClear(); // Redirect already logged in user LoginFrames( EV.Session.SID, true ); _triggerRefresh = true; return false; } else { if( !StrikeOut('sign in') ){ //added 8/19/2015 jlipinski@eatonvance.com to apply 3 strikes to start. if an email is in there as autocomplete, it's treated as a start var errorArgs = { task: 'start', ajaxData: ajaxData } } SelfServeErrors( errorArgs ); } }; // end: StartFailure var StartResend = function(){ if( urlParams.a == 'subscribe' ){ _value = urlParams["Value[]"]; _itemData = GetMediaItem( _value ); _type = urlParams.type; _name = urlParams.name; SubscribeSubmitComplete(); } else { var completeArgs = { success: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .contentrequest-resend').hide(); $('.simplemodal-data .contentrequest-success').show(); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-contentrequest-resend h5').hide(); ME.ModalResize(); ME._existingModalOnClose = function(){ if( !_debug ) window.location.href = window.location.pathname; } }, failure: function( ajaxData ){ SelfServeErrors( ajaxData ); ME._existingModalOnClose = function(){ if( !_debug ) window.location.href = window.location.pathname; } } } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'ResendContentRequest', 'Email' : _email, 'vst' : urlParams.vst, 'ttk' : urlParams.ttk, 'resend' : 1 }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } } // end: StartResend // Succesful login handler var LoginSuccess = function( ajaxData ){ // Remember Me Cookie var SetCookie = ( ( window.Enthink || {} ).Utils || {} ).SetCookie; if( typeof SetCookie == 'function' ){ if ( _remember ){ SetCookie('ev-modal-login', EV.Session.UserGuid); } else { var GetCookie = ( ( window.Enthink || {} ).Utils || {} ).GetCookie; if( typeof GetCookie == 'function' ){ var cookie = GetCookie('ev-modal-login'); if( cookie != null && cookie != '' ){ SetCookie('ev-modal-login',''); } } } } _triggerRefresh = true; LoginFrames( EV.Session.SID, true ); return false; }; // end: LoginSuccess() // Log user into EV network var LoginFrames = function( session, loginComplete ){ if( _debug ){ console.log('Skipping iframe loading'); } for( var i=0; i') .attr('name','iframeID_'+i) .attr('id','iframeID_'+i) .attr('src', encodeURI(src)) .attr('height','1').attr('width','1') .load(function(){ if( loginComplete ) completeCheck(); }) ); // if load completes clearTimeout //if(_countBackup < _completeCount) clearTimeout(_timeout); } } } // end: LoginFrames() // Bounce via _goal var LoginSuccessComplete = function(){ if( _goal == 'access' && _type == EV.SubscriptionType.E_ALERT ){ CheckAccess( { success: DownloadApproved } ); } else if( _goal == 'access' ){ DownloadApproved(); } else if( _goal == 'subscribe' ){ Subscribe(); } else if( _goal == 'picklist') { var ajaxArgs = {}; ajaxArgs.data = { 'a' : 'PickListAdd', 'Symbol' : _value }; ajaxArgs.complete = function(){ window.location.reload(); }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } else if( _goal == 'export' ){ window.open( _value ); window.location.reload(); } else { var cleanUrl = window.location.href.toString().replace("showloginmodal=1",""); window.location.href = cleanUrl; } }; // end: LoginSuccessComplete // Login completion check var completeCheck = function(){ _completeCount++; if( _completeCount >= EV.Domains.length ){ if( !_debug ) LoginSuccessComplete(); } }; // Login failure handler var LoginFailure = function( ajaxData ){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); // Strike-out? if( !StrikeOut('sign in') ){ var errorArgs = { task: 'login', //task: 'login', - changed 8/19/2015 jlipinski@eatonvance.com, get same msg as start titleText: EV.Strings["LoginModalTitle"], ajaxData: ajaxData } SelfServeErrors( errorArgs ); } }; // end: LoginFailure() // Forgot password flow var ForgotPassword = function(){ if( _openModal && $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-email').val() ) _email = $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-email').val() ? $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-email').val().trim() : ''; var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-forgot', titleText: EV.Strings["ForgotTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('#ev-forgot-email').val( _email ); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end: ForgotPassword // Forgot Password submit button handler var ForgotSubmit = function(){ var email = $('.simplemodal-container #ev-forgot-email').val(); if( typeof(email)=="undefined" || email == '' ) return false; _email = ( email && typeof email === 'string' ) ? email.trim() : _email; // store for various modal content $('.simplemodal-data #ev-forgot-submit').attr('disabled',true).addClass('disabled'); var completeArgs = { success: ForgotSuccess, failure: ForgotFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'ForgotPassword', 'Email' : _email, 'Goal' : _goal, 'Name' : _name, 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); }; // end: ForgotSubmit // Forgot password success handler var ForgotSuccess = function( ajaxData ){ var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-forgot-resend', titleText: EV.Strings["ForgotTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end ForgotSuccess() // Forgot password failure handler var ForgotFailure = function( ajaxData ){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-forgot-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); // Strike-out? if( !StrikeOut('forgot password') ){ var errorArgs = { task: 'forgot', titleText: EV.Strings["ForgotTitle"], ajaxData: ajaxData } SelfServeErrors( errorArgs ); } }; // end ForgotFailure() // Forgot Password submit button handler var NoSalesPageRecordSubmit = function(){ var email = $('#ev-no-sp-email').val(); var oldEmail = $('.simplemodal-container #ev-no-sp-old-email').val(); if( typeof(email)=="undefined" || email == '' ) return false; if( typeof(oldEmail)=="undefined" || oldEmail == '' ) oldEmail = email; // store for various modal content _email = ( email && typeof email === 'string' ) ? email.trim() : ''; _oldEmail = ( oldEmail && typeof oldEmail === 'string' ) ? oldEmail.trim() : (( _oldEmail && typeof _oldEmail === 'string' ) ? _oldEmail.trim() : ''); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-submit').attr('disabled',true).addClass('disabled'); var completeArgs = { success: NoSalesPageRecordSuccess, failure: NoSalesPageRecordFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'NoSalesPageRecord', 'Email' : email, 'Goal' : _goal, 'Name' : _name, 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type, 'OldEmail' : oldEmail }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); }; // end: NoSalesPageRecordSubmit var NoSalesPageRecordSuccess = function( ajaxData) { var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-changed', titleText: EV.Strings["RegisterTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end: NoSalesPageRecordSuccess var NoSalesPageRecordFailure = function( ajaxData) { // If user not found or multiple records will give -904, else give to SelfServeErrors if(ajaxData.result == '-904' || ajaxData.result == '-925') { // Redirect user to long form registration LongFormRegRedirect(); } else if(ajaxData.result == '-921') { // send content request link ME.ModalErrorClear(); // $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-submit').attr('disabled',true).addClass('disabled'); var completeArgs = { success: StartSuccess, failure: StartFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'LoginStart', 'Email' : _email, 'Goal' : _goal, 'Name' : _name, 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } else if(ajaxData.result == '-933') { ME.ModalError( {description: EV.Strings['NoSalesPageInvalid']} ); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-no-sp-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); } else if(ajaxData.result == '-107') { var modalArgs = { title: EV.Strings["SignInErrorTitle"], description: (EV_REGISTER_ENABLE?EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage"]:EV.Strings["RegisterBadEmailErrorMessage3"]) }; ME.ModalError( modalArgs ); } else { var errorArgs = { task: 'register', titleText: EV.Strings["RegisterTitle"], ajaxData: ajaxData } SelfServeErrors( errorArgs ); } }; // end: NoSalesPageRecordFailure // Populate and handle auto-registration modal & callbacks var Register = function(registrationType, contentDriver, line){ // Logged in? if( ( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' && EV.Session.UserType == 'Registrant' ) || !EV_REGISTER_ENABLE ) return false; // Already registered? if( EV.Session.UserType == 'Registrant' && EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ){ Login(); return false; } TrackUser(); if( _debugAnalytics ) { console.log( '#' + line + ' called #' + '' ); if(typeof registrationType != 'undefined') console.log(registrationType); console.log( 'value: ' +_value ); console.log( 'name: ' + _name ); console.log( 'type: ' + _type ); console.log( 'goal: ' + _goal ); console.log("Analytics.push(['registrationStart',"+ registrationType + ', ' + _value + '])'); console.log('--------------------------------'); } if(typeof registrationType != 'undefined' && typeof _value != 'undefined') { Analytics.push(['registrationStart', registrationType, _value]); // change _value to _name for name instead of value } // Auto-reg disabled? if( !EV_AUTOREG_ENABLE ){ LongFormRegRedirect(); } else { var email = $('.simplemodal-data #ev-login-email').val(); if( _openModal && email && typeof email === 'string' ){ _email = email.trim(); } // Auto-reg var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-register', titleText: EV.Strings["RegisterTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('#ev-register-email').val( _email ); }, modalType: EV_MODAL.REGISTER //for analytics tracking modal type }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); } }; // end: Register // Handle auto-reg form submit var RegisterSubmit = function(){ Analytics.push(['registrationSubmit']); if( _debugAnalytics ) { console.log("Analytics.push(['registrationSubmit'])"); } var email = $('.simplemodal-container #ev-register-email').val() || _email; if( typeof(email)=="undefined" || !email || email == '' ) return false; // store for various modal content _email = ( typeof email ==='string') ? email.trim() : ''; // apply the trimmed value $('#ev-register-email').val(_email); _oldEmail = _email.trim(); $('.simplemodal-data #ev-register-submit').attr('disabled',true).addClass('disabled'); var completeArgs = { success: RegisterSuccess, failure: RegisterFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'AutoRegistration', 'Email' : _email, 'Goal' : _goal, 'Name' : _name, 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } // end: RegisterSubmit // Register success handler var RegisterSuccess = function( ajaxData ){ var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-regsuccess', titleText: EV.Strings["RegisterTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end RegisterSuccess() // Register failure handler var RegisterFailure = function( ajaxData ){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-register-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); // Strike-out? if( !StrikeOut('registration') ){ var errorArgs = { task: 'register', titleText: EV.Strings["RegisterTitle"], ajaxData: ajaxData } SelfServeErrors( errorArgs ); 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} var tmp = _name.split('| and'); // Splitter for JS only (see TrackUser/SubscribeSubmitComplete) var last = ( tmp.length > 1 ) ? '
- '+tmp[1] : ''; var tmp2 = tmp[0].split('| '); var text = '- ' + tmp2.join('
- ') + last + '
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EV.SubscriptionType.INSIGHT : EV.SubscriptionType.E_ALERT; _value = _itemData.sku; _name = _itemData.name; } SubscribeSubmitComplete(); }; // end: SubscribeSubmit // Finish submit after firm check var SubscribeSubmitComplete = function(){ var subURL = '', value = '', itemData = {}; if( !$.isArray( _value ) && _value.toLowerCase().indexOf('docload') > -1 ){ itemData = GetMediaItem( _value ); value = itemData.sku; } else { value = _value; } $('.simplemodal-data .ev-subscribe-submit').attr('disabled',true).addClass('disabled'); _name = _name.replace(/\|/g,','); // Remove splitter for JS. /******** *** this is in place of both the if and elseif *** if( _$anchor.attr('id') == 'ev-insights-submit' || _$anchor.attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf('subscribe(') > -1 ){ // subURL only used for VERIFIED sessions below. subURL = EV.Pages.MyAccount + '?insight=' + value; *********/ if( _$anchor.attr('id') == 'ev-insights-submit' ){ subURL = '/Insight-Sign-Up.php?type=' + _type + '&insight=' + value; } else if( _$anchor.attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf('subscribe(') > -1 ) { subURL = '/Insight-Sign-Up.php?type=' + _type + '&insight=' + value; } else { subURL = EV.Pages.SubscriptionConfirmation + '?sub&Name=' + _name + '&Type=' + _type; if( $.isArray( _value ) ){ for(var i=0;i<_value.length;i++){ if( _value[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('docload') > -1 ){ itemData = GetMediaItem( _value[i] ); value = itemData.sku; } else { value = _value[i]; } subURL += '&Value[]=' + value; } } else { subURL += '&Value=' + value; } } if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' ){ window.location.href = subURL; } else { var completeArgs = { success: SubscribeSuccess, failure: SubscribeFailure } var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'Subscribe', 'Email' : _email, 'Goal' : _goal, 'Name' : _name, 'Value' : value, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } }; // end: SubscribeSubmitComplete() // Check the system to see if a Role is required. var CheckAccess = function( args ) { if( !_itemData || ( typeof args.success == 'undefined' ) ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' && !_email ){ args.success(); return false; } // Don't know who it is yet, let page/controller decide. if( _goal == 'access' && typeof _itemData.sku == 'undefined' ){ args.success(); return false; } // Locked Pages if( !args.type && !_type ){ _type = ( _value.toLowerCase().indexOf('javascript:subscribe(') > -1 ) ? EV.SubscriptionType.INSIGHT : EV.SubscriptionType.E_ALERT; } var hasRoleRestriction = false; if( _goal == 'subscribe' && typeof _itemData.tags != 'undefined' && typeof _itemData.tags.subscribeable != 'undefined' && _itemData.tags.subscribeable == true ){ hasRoleRestriction = true; } if( _goal == 'access' && typeof _itemData.lockedtags != 'undefined' && $(_itemData.lockedtags).length > 0 ){ hasRoleRestriction = true; } if( _debug ){ console.log( 'hasRoleRestriction: ' + hasRoleRestriction, '_itemData.sku: ' + _itemData.sku, '_type: ' + _type ); } if( hasRoleRestriction ){ var completeArgs = { success: args.success, failure: function( ajaxData ){ var errorArgs = { task: 'login', titleText: EV.Strings["LoginTitle"], ajaxData: ajaxData } if( _goal == 'subscribe' ){ errorArgs.task = 'subscribe'; errorArgs.titleText = EV.Strings["SubscribeTitle"]; } SelfServeErrors( errorArgs ); } }; var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'CheckRole', 'Goal' : _goal, 'Value' : _itemData.sku, 'Type' : _type }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; if( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' && _email ){ ajaxArgs.data.Email = _email; } doAjax( ajaxArgs ); } else { args.success(); } }; // end: CheckAccess // Show firm restriction modal var RestrictedModal = function(){ var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-access', titleText: EV.Strings["AccessDeniedTitle"] }; if( _triggerRefresh ) modalArgs.refreshOnClose = true; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); return false; }; // end: RestrictedModal() // Subscribe success handler var SubscribeSuccess = function( ajaxData ){ Analytics.push(['subscriptionComplete']); if( _debugAnalytics ) { console.log("Analytics.push(['subscriptionComplete'])"); } var refresh = ( urlParams.resend || EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ) ? false : true; var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-subconfirm', titleText: EV.Strings["SubscribeTitle"], refreshOnClose: refresh, onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data .user-email').html( _email ); if ( EV.Session.SessionType == 'NonVerified' ) { if( EV.Session.UserType == 'Registrant' || EV.Session.UserType == 'Subscriber' ){ $('.simplemodal-data div:visible a.ev-login').parent().show(); } else { $('.simplemodal-data div:visible a.ev-register').parent().show(); } } ME.ModalResize(); }, onClose: function(){ if( urlParams.resend ){ window.location.href = window.location.pathname; } } }; ME.Modal( modalArgs ); }; // end SubscribeSuccess() // Subscribe failure handler var SubscribeFailure = function( ajaxData ){ $('.simplemodal-data .ev-subscribe-submit').attr('disabled',false).removeClass('disabled'); // Strike-out? if( !StrikeOut('subscription') ){ var errorArgs = { task: 'subscribe', titleText: EV.Strings["SubscribeTitle"], ajaxData: ajaxData } SelfServeErrors( errorArgs ); } }; // end SubscribeFailure() // Unsubscribe button handler var Unsubscribe = function(){ TrackUser(); UnsubscribeSubmit(); return false; }; // end: Unsubscribe() // Ajax Unsubscribe var UnsubscribeSubmit = function(){ var completeArgs = { success: UnsubscribeSuccess, failure: ME.SystemError }; var ajaxArgs = { data : { 'a' : 'Unsubscribe', 'Value' : _value, 'Type' : _type, 'Name' : _name }, complete : CompleteHandler( completeArgs ) }; doAjax( ajaxArgs ); }; // end: UnsubscribeSubmit() var UnsubscribeSuccess = function(){ if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' ){ var successModalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-unsubscribe-success', titleText: EV.Strings["SubscribeTitle"], refreshOnClose: true, onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-unsubscribe-success .unsub-name').html( _name ); ME.ModalResize(); } }; } else if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'NonVerified' ){ var successModalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-unsubconfirm', titleText: EV.Strings["SubscribeTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-unsubconfirm .user-email').html( _email ); if( EV.Session.UserType == 'Registrant' ) $('.simplemodal-data #ev-modal-unsubconfirm .ev-register').parent().hide(); ME.ModalResize(); } }; } else { ME.SystemError(); return; } ME.Modal( successModalArgs ); }; // end: UnsubscribeSuccess() // Download file and show thank you modal var Download = function(){ TrackUser(); if( EV_BYPASS == '1' ){ DownloadApproved(); } else { CheckAccess( { success: DownloadApproved } ); } } // Handle access approval for downloading var DownloadApproved = function(){ if( _value == '' ) window.location.reload(); if( _value.toLowerCase().indexOf('docload') < 0 && _value.toLowerCase().indexOf('loaddocument') < 0 ){ window.location.href = _value; return false; } // Thank you modal if( !_itemData ){ ME.SystemError(); return false; } var href = _value.replace('docload','docLoad'); var modalArgs = { modalContent: '#ev-modal-download', titleText: EV.Strings["DownloadTitle"], onShow: function(){ $('.simplemodal-data #retry-download').attr( 'href', href ); } }; if( _triggerRefresh ){ $.simplemodal.close(); modalArgs.refreshOnClose = true; } if( _$anchor.hasClass('ev-gated-subscription') || _$anchor.parents('.ev-gated-subscription').length ){ $('#ev-modal-download .ev-subscribe-submit').addClass('fa'); } else { $('#ev-modal-download .ev-subscribe-submit').removeClass('fa'); } $('#ev-modal-download span.filename').html( _itemData.name ); 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$('.u_button a', $parent).attr('href', href); $('.ds_button a.subscribe', $parent).attr('href', href); // Already subscribed var sID = parseID($parent.attr('class'), 'sid_'); if( typeof EV.Session.Subscriptions[sID] != 'undefined' ){ $('.ds_button', $parent).hide(); $('.u_button', $parent).show(); $('.s_already', $parent).hide(); } else { $('.ds_button', $parent).show(); $('.u_button', $parent).hide(); $('.s_already', $parent).hide(); } }; // end: SubscribeTooltipBeforeShow // Returns ev-media.json item data given a needle var GetMediaItem = function( keyString, type ){ var type = type || EV.SubscriptionType.E_ALERT; if( !keyString ) return false; keyString = keyString.toLowerCase(); if( keyString.toLowerCase().indexOf('subscribe(') > -1 ){ type = EV.SubscriptionType.INSIGHT; } else if( type == EV.SubscriptionType.INSIGHT && keyString.toLowerCase().indexOf('subscribe(') < 0 ){ keyString = "javascript:subscribe('"+keyString+"');"; } keyString = ( keyString.charAt(keyString.length-1) != ';' ) ? keyString + ';': keyString; 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'/' + keyString: keyString; var dataObject = ( EatonVance && ( 'UI' in EatonVance ) && ( 'accessList' in EatonVance.UI ) ) ? EatonVance.UI.accessList : {}; var data = ( dataObject[keyString] ) ? dataObject[keyString] : false; if( data === false ) data = ( dataObject[keyString.toLowerCase()] ) ? dataObject[keyString.toLowerCase()] : false; return data; }; // end: GetLockedPage })(jQuery); // end: EV.Engagement if( !EV ) var EV = {}; if( !EV.PickList ) EV.PickList = {}; /*-------------------------------------------------- * EV.PickList * - All PickList code for tables, tooltips and maintenance */ (function($){ var ME = EV.PickList, _$anchor; /*-------------------------------------------------- * EV.PickList Global Init */ $(function(){ // PickList checkbox click $(document).on('click', '.add-picklist, .remove-picklist', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); _$anchor = $(this); if( EV.Session.SessionType == 'Verified' ){ UpdatePickList( $(this) ); } else { EV.Engagement.Login( _$anchor ); } }); /* PickList "Checkboxes" */ if ( EV.Session.SessionType != 'Verified' ){ // Not signed In // Signup Tooltip var tooltipConfig = { parentSelector: '.check-link', tooltipContent: '.ev-signin-tooltip', customContent: { '.ev-signin-title': EV.Strings["PickListTooltipTitle"] } }; EV.Engagement.Tooltip( tooltipConfig ); // Login prompt on click $(document).on('click', '.check-link', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var target = e.target || e.srcElement, $target = $(target); // Force bind on transparent arrow if( $target.hasClass('check-link') || $target.hasClass('ev-tooltip-arw') ){ EV.Engagement.Login( $(this) ); } }); } }); /*-------------------------------------------------- * EV.PickList Private Methods */ var UpdatePickList = function( $anchor ){ _$anchor = $anchor; var action = ( $anchor.hasClass('add-picklist') ) ? 'PickListAdd' : 'PickListRemove', symbol = ( $anchor.attr("rel").length >= 3 ) ? $anchor.attr("rel") : false; if( !symbol ){ EV.Engagement.SystemError(); return false; } if( $anchor.parents('.performance').length) { $anchor.fadeOut(function(){ var $img = $('').addClass('loader_' + symbol).attr('src','images/interface/ajax-loader-arrows.gif'); $img.appendTo( $anchor.parent() ); var ajaxArgs = {}; ajaxArgs.data = { 'a' : action, 'Symbol' : symbol }; ajaxArgs.complete = UpdateComplete( $anchor, symbol, $img ); Analytics.push(['pickList',action,symbol]); EV.Engagement.Ajax( ajaxArgs ); }); } else { if( $anchor.parents('.advisor-resources').length) { $anchor.toggleClass('loading'); } var ajaxArgs = {}; ajaxArgs.data = { 'a' : action, 'Symbol' : symbol }; ajaxArgs.complete = UpdateComplete( $anchor, symbol ); Analytics.push(['pickList',action,symbol]); EV.Engagement.Ajax( ajaxArgs ); } }; // end: UpdatePicklist var UpdateComplete = function( $anchor, symbol, $img ){ //console.log( $anchor ); return function( jqXHR, textStatus ){ var returnXML = $($.parseXML(jqXHR.responseText)), result = returnXML.find('result').text(); EV.Session = $.parseJSON( returnXML.find('session').text() ); var $loaderImage = $img; if( $anchor.parents('.performance').length) { $loaderImage.fadeOut(function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $anchor.fadeIn(); }, 500); }); } if( $anchor.parents('.advisor-resources').length) { $anchor.toggleClass('loading'); } if( result == '0' ) { // Update checkbox classes $anchor.toggleClass('add-picklist').toggleClass('remove-picklist').toggleClass('checked'); // Update counter on My Account Pick List table var $counter = $('.tab-title.active:visible > p > .count, .myaccount-contenttab.active > .count'); var count = parseInt( $counter.first().text().replace('(','').replace(')','') ); if( $anchor.hasClass('add-picklist') ){ count--; } else { count++; } $counter.text( '(' + count + ')' ); // Add PickList class to table.performance rows for sorting if( $anchor.parents('.performance') ) $anchor.parent().parent().toggleClass('picklist'); // Update text where necessary if( ( $anchor.parents('.advisor-resources').length ) ) ( $anchor.hasClass('add-picklist') ) ? ( $anchor.html('Add to Pick List') ) : ( $anchor.html('Remove from Pick List') ); } else if( result == '-903' ){ window.location.href = EV.Pages.Result + '?denied=1'; } else { EV.Engagement.SystemError(); } } }; // end: UpdateComplete })(jQuery); // end: EV.Engagement.PickList if (!EatonVance) var EatonVance = {}; if (!EatonVance.UI) EatonVance.UI = {}; // EatonVance.UI namespace new function() { // namespace short hand var ME = EatonVance.UI; ME.accessList = { "/Advisor-Institute-Conversation-Corner.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:funds":"accessroles:funds"}, "name":"A Deeper Dive" }, "/advisor-institute-resource-center.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:funds":"accessroles:funds"}, "name":"Advisor Institute Resource Center" }, "/advisor-institute-attracting-clients.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:funds":"accessroles:funds"}, "name":"Attracting Clients" }, "/business-development-tips.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:charitable":"accessroles:charitable"}, "name":"Business Development Tips" }, "/business-development-tips.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:charitable":"accessroles:charitable"}, "name":"Business Development Tips" }, "/cayman-funds-sales-charges-and-commissions.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international"}, "name":"Cayman Funds Sales Charges and Commissions" }, "/cayman-islands-funds-prices.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international"}, "name":"Cayman Islands Funds Prices" }, "/cayman-islands-funds-sales-charges-and-commissions.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international"}, "name":"Cayman Islands Funds Sales Charges and Commissions" }, "/cayman-islands-funds-sales-charges-and-commissions.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international"}, "name":"Cayman Islands Funds Sales Charges and Commissions" }, "/cayman-islands-important-fund-documents.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international"}, "name":"Cayman Islands Important Fund Documents" }, "/cayman-islands-important-fund-documents.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international"}, "name":"Cayman Islands Important Fund Documents" }, "/cayman-islands-prices.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international"}, "name":"Cayman Islands Prices" }, "/consortium-licensees.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:nextshares":"accessroles:nextshares","accessroles:nextshareschecklist":"accessroles:nextshareschecklist"}, "name":"consortium-licensees.php" }, "/performance-reports.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:charitable":"accessroles:charitable"}, "name":"Donor Advised Fund Performance Reports" }, "/evi-ci-emerging-markets-local-income-fund-eemaa.php": { "lockedtags":{"accessroles:international":"accessroles:international","accessroles:offshore":"accessroles:offshore","contenttype:fund detail":"contenttype:fund detail","countries:ch":"countries:ch","countries:uk":"countries:uk","countries:us - 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